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HomeCatching UpICYMI: It’s Time For Sick M’sians To Get High & It’s High...

ICYMI: It’s Time For Sick M’sians To Get High & It’s High Time We Fixed Our Sick LRT System

VP Hot Takes is our weekly roundup of tech and digital lifestyle news in Malaysia.You can also check out more in this segment by clicking here.

[vc_custom_heading text=”Malaysian’s Might Soon Be Able To Cure Their Diseases With Medical Marijuana” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”]

A Malaysian named Lukman, a 29-year-old father of one, provided cannabis oil to patients who were suffering from ailments that were difficult to treat with legal medicines. Lukman did not profit from this, and would provide cannabis oil for free to patients who could not afford it.

However he has been sentenced to death for his efforts, but thanks to the public outrage over the death penalty handed to him, the government is currently “looking” to amend the relevant laws to overturn the death sentence. Even our Prime Minister has said the verdict should be reviewed.

If it actually becomes legalised, Malaysia will be the first country in SEA to allow medical marijuana. How’s that for progress?

[vc_speech_box author_id=”774″ author_image=”645478″ author_content=”Great move, but can the authority control the distribution for this? A handful of citizens would easily abuse this system, which will f*ck things up for patients who use cannabis for actual health problems.”]
[vc_speech_box author_id=”846″ author_image=”645475″ author_content=”I’m all up for making people healthier as there have been many studies backing up its benefits. However, the government must make sure that it isn’t misused as people will take advantage of it.”]
[vc_speech_box author_id=”827″ author_image=”645476″ author_content=”I’ve always said that weed has its place in society with all its proven benefits, and I’ve always liked how California and Vancouver have handled it. The problem now is antiquated mentality. Bets on who this’ll offend next?” href=”““” target=”“_blank“”]
[vc_speech_box author_id=”849″ author_image=”645941″ author_content=”The issue here is more than just medicinal pot. It’s also to do with the archaic views that M’sian laws have had regarding drug-use, and capital punishment. IMO, what is even more important than legalising medical pot is decriminalising it.”]
[vc_heading_with_icon background_color=”#f3f3f3″ heading_title=”Topics Of The Week” heading_icon=”news.svg”]

Image Credit: Instagram/ Michelle Yeoh

[vc_custom_heading text=”Billion Dollar Whale Will Have Its Own Movie Produced By The Producers Of Crazy Rich Asians & Michelle Yeoh” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1538106091619{padding-top: 0px !important;}”]

Our predictions have come true and the Billion Dollar Whale book will now become a movie. This movie will be produced by Crazy Rich Asians producer Ivanhoe Pictures. However it’s pretty ironic as it will also involve Malaysia’s very own Michelle Yeoh’s Mythical Films in producing the film.

Michelle Yeoh was a staunch supporter of ex-prime minister Najib Razak and the former stalwart’s going to make a movie about the scandal? Tables do turn.

[vc_speech_box author_id=”846″ author_image=”645475″ author_content=”My prediction came right as I did say that it would become a movie, now we just wait for Jason Leong to be cast as Jho Low. Jokes aside, it will be interesting to see how the movie is portrayed as Michelle Yeoh will be involved in producing it, IYKWIM.”]

Image Credit: Snapchat Inc.

[vc_custom_heading text=”Snapchat Teams Up With E-Commerce Giant Amazon To Show That They’re Still Alive” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1538106209988{padding-top: 0px !important;}”]

Snapchat—the “original” version of your Instagram Stories—has been testing a new visual search tool and is partnering with one one the largest e-commerce companies, Amazon (who has still not yet made their services available here).

The new feature will make it possible to take a picture of a product or barcode with the Snapchat camera, then press and hold on the camera screen to launch an Amazon product page to learn more and make a purchase. But who still uses Snapchat nowadays?

[vc_speech_box author_id=”774″ author_image=”645478″ author_content=”Wait, how is Snapchat not officially dead yet? The dog filters are stronger than I thought. Gotta applaud them though, they’re not going down without a fight. And partnering with Amazon is probably what they severely need to avoid being put down for good.”]

Image Credit: Twitter/ RapidKL

[vc_custom_heading text=”RapidKL Challenges SMRT To See Who Gets More Train Breakdowns In A Day” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1538106674089{padding-top: 0px !important;}”]

The Light Rail Transit (LRT) service in the Klang Valley was hit by technical glitches again, however this time not once, but twice within 12 hours on Tuesday (Sept 25)!

The worst part is that it happened during peak hours, and some commuters faced delays with many waiting for up to an hour for only one train to arrive. Is our very own RapidKL looking to challenge our Singaporean neighbours SMRT to see who breakdowns more?

[vc_speech_box author_id=”777″ author_image=”645474″ author_content=”Look, Malaysia is ALWAYS competing with Singapore. Looks like we’re trying to show them who can have the worst rush hour breakdowns (for 2018, they’re leading).”]

Image Credit: Facebook/ Lim Guan Eng

[vc_custom_heading text=”M’sians Rejoice (Especially Smokers & Prepaid Users) As More Items Are SST Exempted” use_theme_fonts=”yes” css=”.vc_custom_1538107273655{padding-top: 0px !important;}”]

Yet again another U-Turn from our government as our Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng has disclosed that more items are exempted from the SST.

Mobile prepaid services provided to Malaysians, peanuts, imported completely knocked down components for locally-assembled vehicles, salted, dried and preserved fish, and seafood under the crustacean and mollusc HS (Harmonised System) code are included in this list. Additionally also cigarette sales, tissue paper and some other boring stuff.

[vc_speech_box author_id=”849″ author_image=”645941″ author_content=”As most smokers will tell you, high prices have never been a deterrent. However, what exactly is the reasoning behind exempting some of these products from SST? Peanuts? Really? Sometimes I wonder whether the current government actually has a direction, or is being pulled along in the current.”]

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