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HomeEntertainmentThis M’sian Gained 100K Fans In 5 Months Just By Making Fun...

This M’sian Gained 100K Fans In 5 Months Just By Making Fun Of All Your Favourite Things

Epic Asian is a content creator who does funny commentary on movies and videos with an Asian twist to it.He currently a social media following with over 90,000 in Facebook and over 10,000 in YouTube.

If you’ve been on Facebook lately, you’ve probably come across his content, especially the one about the new iPhones and the 2-minute Crazy Rich Asians parody—both of which have millions of views.

The person behind these viral videos is an individual who only wants to be known as Epic Asian.

“I love movies. I also love computers. Therefore, I’m technically a nerd. So what do nerds do? They study every nitty-gritty—the nuances of the movie and processing speed of a computer because they are nerds,” said Epic Asian. “Nerds are perceived as anything but fun, but this is obviously not the case.”

“I want to showcase just what a nerd can do if done correctly. So I thought I would use the simplest terms possible in my videos so many people [will] know what am I talking about,” he exclaimed. “As you can see, my intention is probably very noble because I’m glorifying nerds. I’m making nerds great again!”

One Epic Asian

Epic Asian began his journey on Facebook without any background in video editing, and learned everything from scratch. Now, runs his page by himself, taking care of video content in addition to replying to comments and other social media matters. But that’s not to say that he hasn’t received help from elsewhere.

“Along the way, I received help from a really important person in my life and my brother. They helped me voluntarily, in ideas and replying comments, but are still committed to their own commitments,” he added.

Currently, Epic Asian is 23 years old and although we know what he looks like, we still don’t know his real name. For him, this works just fine as the page is more of a passion project (he doesn’t earn from his productions), with him having commitments to focus on.

“Epic Asian is my passion project. I want my viewers to relate to my content as genuinely as possible,” he said. “As for my occupation or what am I doing, I would make a video in the near future to further elaborate, if my viewers are keen.”

The Epic Attraction

As for his content, Epic Asian believes that people enjoy the way he speaks English, or rather his heavily Malaysian-ised version of the language. And to spice things up, he also adds the familiar Hakka/Hokkien dialects and slangs in his commentary as he finds it funny and relatable, all this despite not having the chance to pick up the Chinese language due to him undergoing private schooling.

Everything he’s learned, he picked up from his friends and relatives.

“Most Chinese in Malaysia and Singapore use the dialects. I use the dialects with my relatives and friends and it’s also relatable to a lot of Chinese,” he said. “I think they are not something to be ashamed of, but rather, should be shown to the world that Asian culture is extremely diverse and unique.”

“I’m speaking ‘English’ this way, because I want Asians to relate and for comedic purposes. I mean no disrespect to the English language, I love English,” he added.” I have been using English all my life. But we shouldn’t be ashamed of our accent. Also, if English is not your native language, don’t be afraid to learn.”

One Epic Mission

After 5 months, Epic Asian has a total of over 90,000 likes on Facebook and 10,000 subscribers on his YouTube channel, and he hopes to pass the 100,000 milestone on Facebook eventually. But for now, he’s happy with things the way they are, even with his other challenges in real life.

“I need to catch up with my studies, get good grades and then excel in everything else, because I’m Epic Asian,” he joked. “Also, some of my friends actually ask me ‘why are you doing this?’, and I have also heard stuff like ‘I don’t understand his video, they do not make any sense at all’, and many more.”

However he understands that it’s all part of the business of content creation, especially with social media involved, and he just takes it all with an open heart.

“I wasn’t particularly affected to be honest. I take them as genuine criticisms to improve. I’m grateful that many people find my videos funny now,” Epic Asian said.

And if you are a budding content creator looking to make it big in the scene, Epic Asian has a few words of advice for you.

“Firstly, make sure this is your passion. Otherwise you will get drained out,” he advised. “Secondly, just be yourself. Don’t try to be any other YouTuber. Otherwise, you will feel left out.”

If you would like to know more about Epic Asian, you can check out his Facebook page here and YouTube channel here.

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Feature Image Credit: Epic Asian

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